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TollPays is a GPS-driven, electronic toll collection system, designed for smart cities. The ultimate goal is to develop a seamless mobile application.

About Tollpays

TollPays is a GPS – driven, electronic toll collection system, designed for smart cities. The ultimate goal is to develop a seamless Mobile Application to transform traditional RFID or Cash tolls to automated Open Road (non-gated) check-in system

Creating a Scaleable Product

TollPays is a product, nurtured and flourished under our very own tech incubator, Amaxza Labs. The venture started when the U.S toll authority opted ‘Amaxza’ as a trusted ’go-to’ technology partner for TollPays, given to research, design, develop and deploy the whole new, GPS led, virtual tolling system from scratch till finish.

From conducting in-depth research to running surveys and drafting viability reports to branding, product development and deployment, Amaxza Labs played a critical role in shaping TollPays into a product, making Amaxza proud than ever before.


We put forward a ‘select’ set of colour palettes for a clean user interface, interactive visuals and lasting brand recognition. As we understand, the font is critical to the overall design experience, we tested a variety of fonts yet, locked the very best long haul. Both the colour palette and the font go well with the overall display experience, maximizing user engagement and trust over the product.

Working With Maps — Real-time GPS Integration

We transformed the old school RFID transponder-based toll collection system with a fully integrated real-time GPS-driven virtual tolling system, based on a strong algorithm code base and Google’s lat long geographic tool.

With multiple real-time Google and Apple maps integrations, TollPays offers a variety of features that run in the background without any interruption.  To make it even classier, we introduced a state-of-the-art cross-platform voice command feature, making it an efficient and hands-free solution for all stakeholders. Not just challenging, TollPays tested our true spirit to deliver anything and everything with technology.

Features Like Never Before

TollPays App Menu

TollPays offers a crisp and clean app with a user-friendly menu to navigate through the app. With everything on a single screen, it’s super easy to set up the account, personalize it with your details and use it according to your travel needs.

Cashless Open Road Tolling

It’s time to enjoy faster, safer and better travel with TollPays’ smart cashless tolling feature. Without any lane barrier or stopovers, drivers can easily pay the toll without any pause.

Gated Tolling System

This intelligent feature allows users to choose their lanes and intimate the toll for their respective gate to be opened when ready to check-in.

Congestion Pricing

This feature helps agencies to monitor and manage traffic division across all tolls and routes from a singular screen and designate condition-based peak and non-peak hour tolls. Agencies can also develop an annual calendar for national holiday toll discounts, event-based toll offers along with the allocated pricing throughout the year.

Toll Fees Pooling

This toll-friendly feature is developed with deep socket-based programming, allows multiple travelers to share a car and divide the toll FEES up to 4 contributors.

TollPays Wallet

With a variety of options like maintaining balance, minimum balance threshold and auto balance refill, TollPays virtual wallet allow users to pay toll without a miss. It gives access to toll history and sends regular updates about maintaining a minimum balance threshold to avoid toll violations.


If a vehicle is caught or charged for violation, TollPays’ violation feature constantly reminds the driver to pay within the due time before it gets penalized.

Text to Speech – Voice Command

This smart feature makes toll processing, a completely hands-free solution, keeping the driver’s undivided attention throughout travel. Its auto voice command helps in navigating the nearby tolls and paying without any delay.

Manage Vehicles

This feature allows users to add vehicles manually or through OCR by scanning the license plate. It also allows users to edit or remove vehicles from their accounts.

Toll Fees Exemption

This feature allows civil service vehicles belonging to Police, Armed Forces, Government Employees, Fire Brigades and Ambulances, etc. to build profiles and apply for toll fee exemptions for a certain period of time. Agencies would be able to authorize and exempt tolls as requested by the vehicle owner.


Behaves like a real-time marketing platform that updates every traveler with the offered discounts, deals and coupons in the nearest possible destination around them, irrespective of the app working or closed on the device.

In-App Notification

This built-in notification feature pushes violation reminders, app updates, wallet balance.

Global Vision

We focused on the revolutionary transformation and the user convenience attached to it. With a singular virtual tolling system starting from the US, we see it going across continents. Did we say, we stopped with the current features? No! We’re working on a predictive model for seamless traffic management within and outside the city and look forward to taking it to a whole new level.