Monthly Most Popular JS Repositories. Winter Wonderland

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The most popular monthly JS repositories.

Here’s an interesting thing about January. It seems like the new year has just started and you should be full of energy and inspiration, ready to plan something new and bring it to life. But you’re not. You are exhausted with cold and too sleepy, and being active is the last thing you’re able to do. But do you remember how wonderful winter seemed when you were a child? It was so magic, so mysterious, so fun! Go outside, enjoy this shiny snow! We did all the work for you and created this digest with the monthly most popular JS repositories. The Winter Wonderland is waiting for you. Go, and when you’ll come back just use these great open source repositories to simplify your work!

Here We Are with the Most Interesting Monthly Most Popular Javascript Repositories:

  • Deno is a secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built on V8. 29,280 stars by now.
  • Jest is a complete and ready to set-up JavaScript testing solution that works out of the box for any React project. Earlier we wrote about Jest makes testing Vue easier as well. stars by now. 22,736 stars by now.
  • faker.js is a JavaScript fake data generator for massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser. 17,054 stars by now.
  • react-redux v.6.0.0 first big release supporting the new Context API added in React 16.4. 15,310 stars by now.
  • Sortable is a JS library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery required. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React, Polymer, Vue, Knockout and any CSS library. 15,256 stars by now.
  • Rollup is a module bundler for JavaScript which compiles small pieces of code into something larger and more complex, such as a library or application. 14,646 stars by now.
  • Nest is a framework for building Node.js server-side applications using modern JavaScript. It is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). 11,649 stars by now.
  • Sharp is a high-speed Node.js module to convert large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly JPEG, PNG and WebP images of varying dimensions. 11,455 stars by now.
  • Hapi is a simple to use a configuration-centric framework with built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, and other essential facilities for building web and services applications, a server framework for Node.js. 10,562 stars by now.
  • React-spring is a spring physics-based animation library for React. Read more about this animation package in our blogpost. 9,396 stars by now.
  • NES.css is an NES-style (8bit-like) CSS Framework. 8,933 stars by now.
  • ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools. 8,765 stars by now.
  • Brain.js is a library of Neural Networks written in JavaScript. 8,753 stars by now.
  • knex.js is an SQL query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. 8,622 stars by now.
  • Carlo provides Node applications with Google Chrome rendering capabilities, communicates with the locally-installed browser instance using the Puppeteer project, and implements a remote call infrastructure for communication between Node and the browser. 7,986 stars by now.
  • tui.editor is a Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. 7,822 stars by now.
  • aws-sam-cli is a repository of AWS CLI tool for managing Serverless applications written with AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM). 3,725 stars by now.
  • Billboard.js is a reusable, easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+. 3,312 stars by now.
  • Eagle.js is a slideshow framework for hackers. Earlier we wrote about it on our blog. 3,307 stars by now.
  • FBT is an internationalization framework for JavaScript designed to be both powerful and flexible, but also simple and intuitive. 2,702 stars by now.
  • react-window is a React component for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data. 2,675 stars by now.
  • Grant is an OAuth middleware for Express, Koa and Hapi. 1,866 stars by now.
  • Magic Grid is a simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. 1,801 stars by now.
  • Build Your Own Mint is a tool for building personal finance analytics using Plaid, Google Sheets and CircleCI. 1,709stars by now.
  • imaskjs is a Vanilla JavaScript input mask. 1,587 stars by now.
  • Vivid.JS is an SVG Icons library which can be used to add highly customizable vibrant icons to the DOM without any dev dependencies. We wrote about it last week on our blog. 1,584 stars by now.
  • ForgJs is a JavaScript lightweight object validator. 1,474 stars by now.
  • Screenshoteer is used to make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line. 1,412 stars by now.
  • string-similarity finds a degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice’s Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. 1,297 stars by now.
  • Rendora is a dynamic renderer to provide zero-configuration server-side rendering mainly to web crawlers in order to improve SEO for websites developed in modern Javascript frameworks such as React.js, Vue.js, Angular.js, etc. 1,164 stars by now.
  • Jetpack wraps Webpack to create a smoother developer experience. 1,092 stars by now.
  • Navi is a router for React that lets you create big, fast, CDN-delivered websites with great SEO & SMO, and all with vanilla create-react-app. 1,040 stars by now.
  • low.js is a port of Node.js with far lower system requirements. Community version for POSIX systems such as Linux, uClinux or Mac OS X. 804 stars by now.
  • vue-api-query is a package that helps you quickly to build requests for REST API. Move your logic and backend requests to dedicated classes. Keep your code clean and elegant. 693 stars by now.

Check our previous JS digests here.

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