Quality Analysis in Software | Best Practices in 2022

Belton Technolab
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  • Reading Time 3-Minute Read

In this article, we describe the most used and advanced testing practices in software development for the upcoming year.

Quality Assurance Testing plays a vital role in software development. While software development frameworks and languages have seen significant advancements in the last decade, the testing field has also seen significant advancements. In this article, we’ll look at the quality assurance testing best practices in 2022.

CI/CD Testing

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery are two of the most recent testing trends that most software development companies employ. It is related to DevOps and the Agile approach.

The traditional waterfall approach won’t do any good in the agile mindset of developers. In the traditional model, once all the development is completed, the testing phase starts and goes back and forth between the development and the testing team.

In CI/CD, every stage of software development is followed by automated test cycles to find and fix issues. The code is also separately checked for issues. The main reason the CI/CD testing approach is a huge success is that all issues are identified and fixed before the final release. The CI/CD testing approach is excellent at delivering quality applications in a quick time.

Shift Left Testing

Shift Left testing is another forward-thinking testing trend that you will be seeing in 2022. Many companies have already adopted this approach as it is proven to be useful in execution testing. With this new testing approach, testing is not done at the far end of the development process. The Shift Left testing process is all about starting the testing process earlier in the development cycle. It also ensures that a few headaches are there when the development is completed.

All New Selenium 4

Organizations that employ Agile and DevOps practices need high-end quality assurance testing tools to accentuate their development and testing process. Selenium is a popular and effective software testing tool that is used by many software companies.

It is open-source software for conducting automated testing websites and applications. Selenium offers support for all the major programming languages and frameworks.

Selenium 4 that was released recently comes loaded with a lot of features, including rapid test development, relative locators, WebDriver, speed control, pause/resume features, and RunAll etc.

Big Data Testing Approach

Another popular trend doing the rounds in the software testing circle is big data testing. While Big Data is known for analyzing and classifying massive amounts of data, it proves to be a necessity for companies dealing with huge chunks of data. Traditional testing processes won’t be able to handle such massive amounts of data.

IoT Testing Model

Internet of Things (IoT) has taken the world by storm and has poked its nose in every field, and software testing is no exception to that. IoT in simple terms, is a perfect blend of people, processes, technology, machines, and networks. With the number of internet users growing every day, it is important to adapt to new trends of testing to test applications that are interconnected with each other.

An effective IoT testing strategy largely helps in analyzing and testing devices that handle large chunks of data and are embedded with other devices.