How Proper Sending Practices and Segmentation Increased Email Revenue by 350%

Chronos Agency
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Kerotin Hair Care partnered with Chronos Agency to improve their email marketing strategy which wasn’t churning out the results that they wanted.


Kerotin Hair Care aims to be a woman’s best friend. Their hair care products are perfect for ladies who want to have beautiful salon-like hair but without having to spend thousands of dollars. Because of their globally-revered products like hair vitamins, conditioner, and shampoo, Kerotin Hair Care caters to a lot of customers all over the world. They partnered with Chronos Agency to improve their email marketing strategy which wasn’t churning out the results that they wanted.

The Problem

No clear path for the emails and offers resulting in non-deliverability

Before approaching our team, Kerotin’s email marketing strategy was not fully living up to its potential. While they did not have problems in terms of audience and customer base, they had a serious deliverability problem brought about by bad sending practices.

Also, Kerotin did not segment their lists. Instead, they sent the same emails and offers to their email list weekly. So even though they had a lot of customers and email list subscribers, they weren’t receiving the offers that Kerotin was sending.  The emails were going in the wrong direction–the spam folder.

The Solution

Instill proper sending practices and content creation

Prior to our collaboration with Kerotin, their emails were lacking in engagement and were not able to encourage any actions from their subscribers. In order to solve this, we came up with a new email marketing strategy for Kerotin and we implemented it with our team.

The solution revolved around making sure that the emails were getting to where Kerotin wanted them to. This involved the very bold move of cleaning up their email lists. This meant deleting inactive and non-relevant subscribers. As a result, we were able to help Kerotin decrease their costs while improving their engagement rates and deliverability.

Next, we had to make sure that their subscribers were opening the emails. The answer? Proper segmentation and relevant content. We engaged in in-depth research to make sure that the content Kerotin was delivering was interesting to each and every recipient.

Our Approach and Strategy

Segmentation and optimization of funnels

We developed proper segmentation strategies for Kerotin’s list. We created list segments to make sure that the customers would receive relevant content, like offers, product guides, and FAQs. As a result, Kerotin’s email list now contained segments made up of interested and relevant subscribers. Why did this work? The more subscribers who found their content interesting and engaging, the higher the chances that Kerotin’s emails were making it to the subscribers’ inboxes.

Next, we set up different automation flows, such as what new customers will receive in their inbox after their first-ever purchase. For example, first-time customers now receive ‘thank you’ emails. In their thank you email, Kerotin’s customer support channels are given to easily accommodate customer concerns.

The next important part of the strategy was focusing on improving the relevancy and effectiveness of email content and design. We took to Amazon to check out what Kerotin’s competitors were doing. This also involved working on optimizing pre- and post-purchase funnels. We engaged in heavy and in-depth research for pre-purchase funnels such as crafting educational and informational emails about the usual objections to buying hair supplements online.

The post-purchase funnel was optimized by combining the right content and right timing automation to encourage another purchase. Three hours after conducting their first purchase, customers will receive another automated email designed to feed their “buyer’s high.” To attract them, the email contains an exclusive discount for returning customers.

A/B testing also played a big part in helping Kerotin have a better understanding of their customers’ preferences. We found a clearer direction in terms of which design elements and content worked best for engagement and conversions.

One example is an A/B split test we conducted during Valentine’s Day Sale. In the winning variation, we made the offer even more apparent in the call-to-action buttons and the product images.  Though the differences between the two versions were minimal, the difference in impact on sales was huge–a whopping 240% improvement in conversions!


More opens, more revenue straight from the inbox

As a result of the strategies we implemented, the proper combination of content and segmentation gave way to a 350% increase in email marketing revenue. The open rate also jumped to 25% from 3%, showing that the content has become more relevant and engaging for Kerotin’s customers.

After partnering with us, Kerotin was able to achieve

  • 32% revenue from email marketing,
  • 17% revenue attributed to automated flows
  • 15% revenue attributed to manual campaigns.
  • An 8.3x improvement in the average open rate from 3% to 25%