Learn a Foreign Language, as Taught by Native

Imenso Software
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  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 1-Minute Read

A simple web app that helps its users to learn a foreign language by matching a native teacher, scheduling the classes, etc.

The Challenge

Learning a new language requires tools that interest users to consistently study with teachers in a highly personalized manner. To make it more difficult, we were asked to allow corporate user groups with their learning statistics reports accessible to respective managers.

Our Solution

We created a solution that can be both fun and effective at the same time. OCTB makes it a highly personalized experience with the tools that provide awesome interaction between teachers and students.

  • Scheduling Lessons: Students can schedule a lesson with the teacher of their choice. A custom build e-wallet handles all the student payments and teacher fees.
  • Instant Messaging: Build an instant messaging system using the Restful API of Ably.
  • Dashboard: Users land on a personalized dashboard where they can easily view the mistakes and progress made during their lessons.
  • Progress Reports: Overall progress report based on all the lessons taken, gives a clear picture of problem areas with respect to vocabulary, grammar and other cognitive learning skills.

The Result

The application is successfully running with around 100+ teachers and 5000+ learners.