TIA Smart AR Application

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  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 1-Minute Read

The AR application has been released, purpose to prevent errors arising in the work related to maintenance activities.

About the Project

The AR application has been released, purpose to prevent errors arising in the work related to maintenance activities, equipment installation, digitizing work history, etc. The App has been successfully deployed to workers and has been really effective at improving the work for the workers.


  • Create AR content to easily create text, image, video, sound content and arrange freely on the screen quickly.
  • Capture any image (for example, a power station) and then you can mark the content on that photo with the text, image, video, sound links to it.
  • Use the application even when offline.
  • Create a manual task.
  • Create navigation directions in the working environment (navigation).
  • Create a job history.
  • Scan marker.
  • Decentralized use.
  • Create favourites.